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Context Mapping Study

The context mapping shows an overview of the situation we are designing for. To show this, a paper was made including a literature study, a practical study; a personal visualization of the user, a storyboard, the discussion and the conclusion. In the literature study a few design challenges were created: finding a solution to stabilize the user while running on a treadmill and finding a solution to use the walker indoors and outdoors. In the practical study, the experience of the user is used to give an overview of the problem. A personal visualization of the user creates a good overview of the user using information like the needs, motivations, and frustrations of the user. The storyboard was made to show the current situation and the problem.


The literature study contains several research components on co-design and Ataxia. Ataxia is a diverse group of autosomal diseases that are genetically inherited. Most signs begin to show when the patient is around 40 years old. Dependent on the type of Ataxia (SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, etc.) different symptoms are generated. In this case, the participant has difficulties with keeping balance, coordination and speaking. Ataxia is degenerative; hence the symptoms increase overtime. This means that there is a high chance that the participant will end up in a wheelchair at some point.


 In order to get a clear view of how the disease affects the participant. A visual portrait and storyboard were made. The visual portrait depicts the participant and discusses their characteristics, wants and needs, motivations and frustrations. Based on this visual portrait, it was found that the biggest frustration caused by the disease is the lack of mobility the participant experiences. A good problem is depicted in the storyboard. Here, the participant would like to go outside, but has no way to easily attach his walker to his tricycle without the help of others.


Based on the findings in the literature study and the physical meetings, a preliminary design challenge was formulated. First, a design solution can be found for stabilizing the user on a treadmill. Second, a solution could be found for the problems concerning the user's walker, as it does not provide a proper solution for both using it inside and outside.


For further information, please refer to the full context mapping study below.

Bachelor Industrial Design Engineering

Project Designing for Specific users (DSU), University of Twente, 2022

Project coordinators: Jelle van Dijk, Eva Blokhuis, Niels van Huizen

Group members: Ferdinand Grefe, Lyanne Veen, Ruben Sanders, Jeroen Nieuwenhof, Dhawal Jibhakate, Joost Musaerts, Niek Aal. Group 9

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